Monday, October 25, 2010

A nice list of features for My Perfect Darkfall

Today I've discovered a new MMORPG that's still in beta phase. This game, Xsyon, includes many features I'd like to see in My Perfect Darkfall. I'm gonna comment on some of the best with some changes to make them work with Darkfall:

Players rely heavily on natural and found resources: lumber from trees, leather from animals, grass, scrap materials and rare objects of the lost modern civilization.

-Constantly changing resources can be renewed or depleted.
-Availability dependent on season and weather conditions.
-Resources can be claimed by clans.
-A large variety of resources with individual properties. Different woods, cloths and metals have properties that affect crafted items.

Players start the game with a selected set of skills. They gain new skills by learning from other players or by uncovering knowledge in books from the past.

-Skills increase with use.
-Skills decrease over time if not used.
-Skills are affected by many external factors.
-Many actions are dependant on several skills.


-No set creature spawns or re-spawns. Animals multiply based on the current creature population.
-Creatures gain experience and power, potentially evolving into legendary beings.
-Creatures can overrun areas or be depleted.
-Creatures gravitate towards different areas based on mood and weather.
-Creatures can be tamed and ridden.
-Creatures possess realistic loot. If you see armor or a weapon on a creature you can take it. Animals can be carved up for raw materials.
-Creatures are a primary resource for crafters.
There are more features than that and I recommend taking a look at it even if it's only to dream a bit. Apparently, many of those features are not in the beta yet but the idea looks very cool.
I think Darkfall 2010 will polish everything already in-game and besides some more content, it will start to add more tools to improve Darkfall's sandbox. After Darkfall 2010 I hope Aventurine will start working towards making Agon a nice emulation of a realistic fantasy world, if you know what I mean. If Darkfall retains it's arcade/action feeling about combat and improves the rest so Agon feels like a true world, it'll become king of MMORPG.

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